
Is your student ready to build their future?

Is your student mathematically inclined? Able to maintain good grades and attendance? Ready for a challenge? If so, they might just be a perfect fit for a career in the sheet metal industry!

Training center group

Is your student ready?

The best candidates for a career in the trades are dependable, hardworking and:

1. Effective communicators — must possess verbal and written communication skills

2. Ready/able to work in high places and confined spaces

3. Excel at math — basic calculations, algebraic equations and understanding spacial relationships

4. Expected to maintain good grades, good attendance and drug-free test results

let's get started

Prepare for A great opportunity to build your future!

With a career in the trades, college debt is a thing of the past. Students can complete their sheet metal apprenticeship in just five years - getting paid as they learn. They’ll master valuable skills that will allow them to make more money than many college graduates and receive excellent benefits.

An Associate’s Degree is just a few classes away for those apprentices who are interested!

let's get started